Read A Stupid Need, my graphic novel online

Read the chapters

graphic novel di francesco saresin, webcomic letterario, slice of life

Chapter 3

graphic novel di francesco saresin, webcomic letterario, slice of life

Chapter 4

A Stupid Need is an online comic by Francesco Saresin, a graphic novel about the dark side of relationships.

What this story is about?

A Stupid Need is on online comic, a slice-of-life story about the dark side of relationships.

This online comic is about three people dominated by their survival insinct and their traumas. 

The center of this story is the nature of need as the subconscious vital boost that defines peoples choices.

My characters actions are all motivated by a deep lack, a void to fill with someone or something.

storia a fumetti - francesco saresin- una stupida necessità - progetto mmm

He loves her. She goes to bed with another man. All three works in the same shoe shop.

A graphic novel about emptyness and  the dark side of relationships.

A Stupid Need characters

graphic novel di francesco saresin, webcomic letterario, slice of life
graphic novel di francesco saresin, webcomic letterario, slice of life fumetto online


“…He went every day to the shoe shop. A stupid job, so he had all the time to think.”

fumetto online graphic novel di francesco saresin, webcomic letterario, slice of life


“…  good girl, satisfies others espectations to appreciated, approved, loved.”

fumetto online graphic novel di francesco saresin, webcomic letterario, slice of life


“… misterious, sketchy man…” ” … offers maxims and worldly wisdom.”

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    1- Tre sogni

    2- Non ci tocchiamo mai veramente

    3- Una stupida necessità